Today is my travel day from New York to Bologna... also known as the day to pay attention and be on my game.
I've never been a huge fan of airports or flying, but I've become accustomed to navigating them and am not afraid of transit or getting around new places. I actually really enjoy the occasional blunders that accompany learning the routes because those small mistakes teach you volumes about effective travel!
Anyway, today will definitely be a new experience for me flying solo on British Airways to London, then undergoing transfer tomorrow morning to a connecting flight to Bologna. The only other international airline I have experience flying without my family is El Al (and their food and service is just wonderful). It will be interesting to see what British Airways has to offer; my experience should certainly be interesting as I checked-in and have a middle seat for the flight!
I will then (be exhausted but excited) arrive at Campus Bononia and have the opportunity to check into my double room and meet my roommate for the duration of the trip!
If you want to keep in touch with me during my trip, I will have Wifi access in my dorm room and also will be using the Viber application on my phone when I am in a Wifi zone. I am also reachable by email: or Facebook.
I look forward to catching you on the other side of this viaggio (trip).
Finally, I'm excited to report that after about two weeks of concentrating on learning basic Italian, inizio a capire l'italiano (I am beginning to understand Italian)! Once in Italy, I will be including more phrases I'm learning in Italian on my postings-- hopefully, I can share some of my knowledge (minimally) of the language with you!
A presto! (See you soon!)
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